Certification of Agile Leadership Indonesia

Indonesian Agile leader is the fundamental education for Agile leaders, up to BOD level.


Created by Ekipa Coaching & Training Last Updated October 11, 2021 18:34


What's Included

  • 0 Lectures
  • Access on tablet and phone
  • Certificate of completion


[This is for Certification Only]

To get your certification, you must show proof of your knowledge of Agile. This can be done by writing an essay, which is submitted to a well know platform, newspaper or magazine. We also require a 360 feedback from your team. Submissions through our IAL form.

To gain knowledge of what Agile means for you as a leader, you can study:


Intended Holders

  • C-level and BOD members
  • Leaders
  • Agile change agents


Entry Requirements

  • None


Pass Requirements

  • Publish a 500+ words Agile Leadership essay on a major news outlet or platform
  • Get a 360 degree evaluation from your people
  • Submit credentials through Ekipa IAL form



15 Courses

473 Students

3 Reviews