Certification of Agile Practitioner Indonesia

Indonesian Agile practitioner is a mark of your deep experience in Agile. As you ‘do Agile’ and ‘grow an Agile mindset’, you gain points that lead to certification (minimum 80 points, see

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Created by Ekipa Coaching & Training Last Updated October 11, 2021 19:15


What's Included

  • 0 Lectures
  • Access on tablet and phone
  • Certificate of completion


[This is for Certification Only]

To get your certification, you must show proof of your experiences applying Agile. You also need an ISM1 or ISPO1 certification. To enroll for the certification, you can use the IAP form to apply and register your points. After receipt, you can buy the certification and our agile coach will review your application.


Intended Holders

  • Product owners
  • Scrum Master
  • Agile leaders
  • Agile enthusiasts
  • Agile champions
  • Agile evangelists 


Entry Requirements

  • ISM 1 OR ISPO 1 certification
  • A minimum of 2 years hands-on experience


Pass Requirements

  • Self-proof:
    • Employee letter of statement as a Scrum Product Owner (PO) for more than 2 years and signed by the current superior; OR
    • CV + link LinkedIn profile + reference call with manager to verify
  • Recommendation letter from your Agile Transformation Lead according to Ekipa guideline
  • Peer Review Survey from your teams with above 80% score
  • Certified as Indonesian Agile Practitioner by successfully collecting 80 points which can be obtained through:
    • Community contribution: Agile Meetups, Conferences, Webinars, Trainings (max 25 points):
      • Speaking at a meetup (2 points)
      • Speaking at an internal company agile event (1 point)
      • Organizing a meetup (4 points)
      • Speaking at an Agile conference (3 points)
      • Organizing an agile training (6 points)
      • Hosting a mastermind group (3 points)
    • Sharing knowledge by publishing content about Agile through: Articles, Videos, Social Media (max 25 points):
      • Publish an article (minimum 500 words) on social media (2 points)
      • Publish a book review (minimum 500 words) (2 points)
      • Posting an article or book review on a well known (news) website (4 points)
      • Publishing a video on an Agile topic (2 points)
      • Publish infographics about Agile (2 points)
    • Impact on an Agile organization: Having an Agile role with demonstrated impact (max 25 points)
      • Recommendation from a leader (5 points)
      • Peer review which shows you think and act Agile: average 4 stars out of 5 (5 points)
      • Proof of working experience in an agile role (5 points for each year; minimum 2 years required)
    • Widening your Agile knowledge: Getting training to advance yourself (max 25 points)
      • Attend a training about Agile (5 points)
      • Attend a training course that is ‘beyond Agile’, but helps you to have impact (e.g. design thinking, innovation, lean startup, teal organization) (5 points)



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