Certification of Indonesia Scrum Product Owner Level 1 (ISPO1)

Ekipa’s ISPO1 certification proves your knowledge of product ownership.

All Levels

Created by Ekipa Coaching & Training Last Updated October 11, 2021 18:27


What's Included

  • 0 Lectures
  • Access on tablet and phone
  • Certificate of completion


[This is for Certification Only]

Before you take the certification, you can learn by:

You will learn or refresh the fundamentals of Agile; and you deep dive into topics that help you become a great product owner.


Intended Holders

  • Product owners
  • Product managers
  • Others who want to learn deeper about strong product ownership


Entry Requirements

  • None


Pass Requirements

  • Exam of Indonesian Scrum Product Owner level 1 (ISPO1)
    • Level 1 Certification Pass if the percentage is 80% correct (64 questions out of 80 questions) within 60 minutes



15 Courses

473 Students

3 Reviews