Agile Leadership

This course is designed for Agile leaders. We start at agile fundamentals and go into specific behaviors that are required for you to become a truly agile leader.


Created by Hugo Messer Last Updated September 21, 2023 15:06

Rp850,000.00 Rp3,500,000.00 75.71% off

What's Included

  • 1:47:07 on-demand video
  • 37 Lectures
  • 20 downloadable resources
  • Access on tablet and phone
  • Certificate of completion


What you'll learn

  • How to become an agile leader?
  • Behaviors needed for agility
  • Empowering people
  • Servant leadership
  • The 5 shifts to make as a leader
  • From agility to innovation

Course Curriculum

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37 Lectures



  • Basic understanding of Agility
  • Knowledge of agile practices
  • Ability to 'let go'


What does it take to become an agile leader? Agile is a very broad term and can sometimes confuse people. In this course, we focus on the essential behaviors leaders need to lead an agile organization. Agile leadership doesn't have a 'how to' guide. It doesn't have a framework like scrum that tells you how to execute 'the agile way'. You've come to a position of leadership because you were able to lead others. You're able to translate concepts into strategy and execution plans. Treat this course in the same way. We present you with concepts, ideas, guidance on how to change behavior. You can use what helps you.





4 Courses

497 Students

19 Reviews

Hugo Messer

Agile Entrepreneur
Hugo Messer has been building companies since a young age. He's always believed in the power of entrepreneurship. He's used his entrepreneurial power to build his own companies Bridge and Ekipa. Since he moved to Indonesia in 2016, he started helping Indonesian enterprises to foster the entrepreneurial 'spark'.

He believes the Agile movement is a major force to help Indonesian companies 'win'. Through the Agile practices, people change the way they work. Through the agile mindset, people change the way they think about work and life. Once people understand the spirit of agility, a company has the foundation for digital innovation.

Hugo's new adventure is Wright partners, a venture builder. Our goal is to help impact corporates build new ventures by becoming active co-entrepreneurs. We help design, build and scale the the venture within 6-12 months.

Hugo is currently living in Bali. After moving to Bali he thought he could enjoy 'holiday every day'. But doing nothing makes one sleepy, so he decided to grow Ekipa to help Indonesia become more agile and innovative.

- He has written 6 books about managing remote teams:
- His most recent book is 'guide to the distributed agile framework':

Student feedback


From 11 Reviews






sangat membantu membuka wawasan saya dalam mengambil keputusan ketika sy memimpin sebuah project dengan durasi pendek, langkah tercepat dan terbaik apa yg dapat sy lakukan yaitu mencoba dengan cara AGILE Thingking, terima kasih
Training ini sangat berguna, terutama bagi perusahaan yang ingin merubah sistem dan cara kerja Agile. Melalui training ini tidak hanya memahami sebuah sistem kerja namun hal-hal lain yang terkait agar sistem tersebut dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik sesuai tujuannya.
I enjoyed it very much. It gives me a good perspective on how a leader should think (being agile) and acts (doing agile). Thank you Hugo!
These whole material are great for Leader that they think they know of Agile of Work. Some case are real and easy to understand how to assess our self (do I really doing Agile ?). ...and it would surprised you.
This course is very useful for understanding agile leadership
Terima kasih buat penyelenggara.
Saat ini, perilaku Agile sptnya sdh menjadi suatu keharusan di setiap moment/kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh organisasi/unit/tim yang memiliki goal menghasilkan sesuatu, baik itu jasa atau barang apabila tetap ingin menjaga eksistensinya di pasar karena kebutuhan pasar (kastamer/user) yang dinamis dan tidak mau menunggu berlama-lama;

Untuk bisa menjaga ritme agile di dalam unit/tim, tidak bisa tidak semua personil di dalam unit/tim, di semua level paham tentang prinsip agile, dan tidak cukup dengan paham, namun harus secara bersama-sama menngimplementasikannya, dan untuk itu pasti memerlukan Leader yang paham, tahu apa agile leadership dan bagaimana mengimplentasikannya.

Pelatihan Agile Leadership ini memberikan pemahaman tentang prinsip2 dasar (fundamental) bagi para Leader, apa itu 4 Agile Manifesto beserta 12 Prinsip2 penjabarannya. Bagaimana mengimplementasikannya, tentu membutuhkan strategi dan atau ketangkasan/keterampilan dari masing2 Leader itu sendiri, yang tentunya tidak akan muncul secara instan, perlu diasah dan paling tidak juga memahami behaviors dari seorang agile leader.

note : sayangnya tdk semua materi (format video) dapat sy 'play'
untuk materi agile leadershipnya bagus dan bisa memberikan tambahan pengetahuan dalam rangka menjadi agile, terima kasih
Valuable training module. Although it seems like still MVP module, Hugo has successfully demonstrated his mastery of Agile here.
Great Course. Pemaparan materi yang sangat jelas dan detail oleh Coach Hugo.

Course ini sangat bermanfaat bagi kita untuk memahami dasar-dasar Agile mindset, bagaimana merubah diri kita menjadi seorang Leader with an Agile mindset, serta dilengkapi dengan tahapan-tahapan yang perlu dilakukan jika kita ingin menerapkan Agile to our organizations.